
Hello readers,

I HATE talking about myself.  Actually it is a little easier doing it online than standing up in front of 100's of people and saying it with sweaty palms,

I turned 40 last year.  

It was the best thing that ever happened to me.  Sure my boobs are a few cm lower and I am more comfortable in slippers than stilettos but I have a passion for life and learning that really ramped up a gear, a year ago.

I have built a very successful £1,000,000 turnover business and made a lot of mistakes along the way but I now feel in a position to help you. I am entirely self-taught - it is my passion for learning and making all aspects of business SIMPLE that gets me out of bed in the morning and excited to get going.


For those of you curious to learn more here goes:

What I know  about myself:

I have all the power to change my health and my wealth – after putting my trust in experts over the years only I can change things.

I have the ability to make money and the resources to help you make it too.

I really believe that you can turn your hobby into a successful business.  


What I love:

Cashmere – and the ability to afford it.

Really dark chocolate.

Running every Saturday at my local parkrun.

Reading a book so powerful that you want to stay up all night to finish it.

Learning something technical and turning it into a simple, easy to follow task.

Walking – doesn’t matter where or for how long.  Walking rocks my world.

What I loathe:

Having cold hands and feet.

People giving nutrition advice with no evidence that it works.

Not finding simple instructions for vital tasks.

Being late ( I will get somewhere an hour early to avoid being 5 minutes late).


I love meeting new people and interacting with folks from all over the world.  I would love to hear your story and what it is that you need to really rock your world.

Until then, have a great day no matter what you are doing